Ed Randall

I've been in IT for just over 20 years and I've been fortunate enough to work across lots of different industries including finance, retail, defence, education and data platforms. I started my career as a Linux Sysadmin at the University of Portsmouth and my technical background includes operating systems, hyper-scale cloud, virtualization, infrastructure, storage, data and networking.

   Click here for my professional bio or here to see my recent blog posts.

This blog started life as a place for me to write things down, something which I’ve vowed for years to get better at. It therefore contains some (hopefully) useful and interesting posts, in my fields of technical interest and expertise, so mostly stuff about:

  • IT Industry Trends
  • Hyper-scale Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure & GCP)
  • Infrastructure as Code (Terraform & CloudFormation)
  • Networking with Mikrotik Hardware
  • Linux

Right now, I’m working at Neo4j as a Technical Product Manager responsible for Deployment, which consists of Software Packaging, Cloud Marketplace Listings and Neo4j’s Helm Chart offerings - all of which are designed to help customers get Neo4j up and running as quickly as possible.

Before Neo4j, I spent 6.5 years at Rackspace and finished up as a Senior Consulting Architect. I worked with customers all over the world and led big, complex projects, especially those involving the major cloud platforms like GCP, AWS, and Azure.

I started at Rackspace as a Lead Engineer, which was kind of a senior technical escalation point for big customers whose environments consisted of many different technologies.

I have always been passionate about technology. From the time I booted my first virtual machine (on VMware workstation 1.1), to my more recent adventures in Cloud, IaC and Graph Databases - I have stayed fascinated by what’s possible, and what’s coming next.

Right now (as well as honing my skills as a Product Manager at Neo4j), I’m refreshing my terraform knowledge as well as learning a bit about Hugo to get this blog up and running!